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Semoga membantu.

Pengumuman PNS 2013

Wah yang ditungu-tunggu ternyata ditunda lagi, yang sabar ya temen-temen…. Tapi kalau tidak sabar, boleh klik disini, atau di sini

Kumpulan Foto Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Rumbia 2013

Ambil Aja Mana Yang Kamu Suka

Triks Internet Gratis Terbaru

Mau gratisan dalam berinternet, ................
gampang caranya, pakai aja TV biasa, ...
bingung kan......?
gini caranya
cari temen yang punya modem n tentunya ada pulsa n udah didaftarin paket internet gitu n suruh bawa sekalian...
ajakin main ke rumah, bilang aja youk nonon ton acara kesukaanmu... misalnya bola, gosip atau apalah.....
nah katakan aja sambil nunggu kita ngenet dulu yukkkkkkkkkkkkk, udah deh gtinggal beraksi, colokin modem temen, n setting, trus tralaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tinggal pakai aja deh

Tugas Bahasa Inggris


The freedom is a dream for all people in the earth. They want to be free to express their pretension; they want to be free to do everything they want. I have ever heard the sound track of the Dyslexia movie with the lyric like this: all I need, all I need is to be free. It shows us that the freedom is the dream for all people. It is be valid for making nation, that the requirement of making nation is to be free first. For grabbing the freedom is not easy, we have to make war with anything that forbids us to be unhampered.[i]The hassle to be acquitted was really hard, it was feeling when Indonesia was holding to pass from colonialist. In this situation we need the numeral classifier for body of hero. The heroes come to take freedom for us. They warred full of spirit, they have stand so strong, and they did not care whether they would die or life as long as they can get the freedom for their country. Here is it, we are going to talk about heroes whom have taken freedom in this country.[ii]
They warred full of spirit. Its can we see by their story and obvious proofs where they run bravely on the ground. They warred muscularly although they just brought sharp bamboo no power that can make people survive and fighting till the end without weapons, guns, or automatic killer machine except the desirability. If the heroes did not have the desirability they would stop, and quite. But in the fact they still warred without real power but abstract power. That is them, heroes.
They have stand so strong. Like the coral in the coast who does not shake attacked by wave. It is like the heroes, they would be taking Indonesia till the end. The war not only murdered people but also used people skill to do what the colonizers want, like planting or do anything to give the profit for them (colonizers). Beside this condition the people may give up, but it is not happen to the heroes, they would never give up whatever is going to happen.
They did not care whether they would die or life. Let us see Jendral Sudirman, Patimura, and the other heroes in this country whom died bloody. Some of them were tortured and entered in the Lubang Buaya. But they did not care because the freedom is their dream. Life, survive, or the other else does not the purpose, but die for free is anything. Although they did not for facing to war, if time comes they will die too. They will not survive until now, they will face the death. Nobody can survive, because who is life they will die. It is the God’s law. So they did not care whether they would die or life.
In short,[iii]the heroes are someone who will be struggling to get anything they want and the goodness from anything that they have struggled and never give up whatever will be happen as long as they have the nice purpose from all they struggle. The heroes are people who still stand in whatever situation, face anything in front of them full of spirit, and the people who do not care what are going to happen. The heroes are not only someone who struggle the freedom but the heroes can in the many shapes like someone who still facing really difficult situation and anything else.

[i] introduction
[ii] Thesis statement
[iii] Conclusion


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