How to Make Tempe

1 ) Soy 10 kg
2 ) Yeast 20 grams of tempeh ( 10 plate )
3 ) Enough water
1 ) large winnowing
2 ) Buckets
3 ) Basket
4 ) Shelf bamboo
5 ) Matter
6 ) Mixer wood
7 ) Dandang
8 ) Burlap Sack
9 ) furnace or stove
10 ) banana leaves or plastic
1 ) Clean the soybeans and then soak one night his skin so easily
off ;
2 ) Peel the husk by being trampled . If no , can use
Parer soybean ;
3 ) Once peeled and washed , steamed in a steamer for 1 hour .
Then angkaat and chill in a large winnowing ;
4 ) Once cool , mixed with as much as 20 grams of tempeh ;
5) Put the mixture in a mold lined with plastic or
wrapped in banana leaves . Leaf or perforated plastic that mold
tempe got airborne and can grow well ;
6 ) Stack molds and cover with burlap sacks to become warm .
After the first night and the mushrooms begin to grow out the heat ;
7 ) Take the molds and place it on a shelf , lined a single layer
and let stand for 1 night ;
8 ) Remove the tempeh from the mold .
Note :
1 ) room to make tempeh should be clean and should not be made ​​of
wall . Given a curing room for the window , so that the air can be regulated
by opening or closing the window . In the rainy season
This room needs to be light so that the room temperature is not too cold .
2 ) Tempe nonperishable after 2 ½ days stored in an encased ,
therefore need to be preserved dry in the following way :
3 ) Slice tempeh with ± ½ mm thickness , dried in an oven at a temperature
750C for 55 minutes . With this product preservation methods such as tempeh
The resulting preservation can be retained for 3 to 5 weeks .
4 ) The content of protein and fat soybean tempeh , respectively by 22.5 %
and 18 % . Protein needs can be met with by 55g/hari
consume tempe as much as 244.44 grams .


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