PTK Bahasa Inggris BAB III Terbaru


3.1. Research Design

In this research, the researcher uses the correlation method. Kerlinger (2003:604) mentions five types of research: ex-post facto, laboratory, experiments, field experiments, field studies and survey researches. The present study can be categorized into the ex-post facto type. An ex-post facto research is:
“ .... a systematic empirical inquiry in which the scientist does not have direct control of independent variables because their manifestation has already occured or because they are inherently not maniputable. Inferences about relations among variables are made without direct intervention from concomitant variation of independent and dependent variables.”

What is meant systematic empirical inquiry is that this research is written in accordance with the metodology of the research.

In this research the researcher uses two tests to get the data, those tests are: the first test for students speaking ability, the second test for students listening achievement. After getting the data, the researcher analyzes it and then makes the description whether there is significant influence of students listening ability (X) as the independent variable and students application of speaking performance (Y) as the dependent variable.
After listening ability test (X) the researcher continued by (Y) test of application speaking. The researcher just uses those tests to get the data without giving any treatment. The tests are mean to find out the correlation between students’ listening ability and their speaking performance. After the test the researcher did not give the treatment or the second test for the students who get low scores in their test. After the test the researcher hopes, based on their scores the students will know the level of their listening ability and their speaking performance. So, they will improve their speaking and their listening also, for the student who is doing the test especially to students who has low in their test.
The design of this research is

Listening ability test


(The Researcher)
3.2. Research Variable

In this research the researcher use two variables, there are:

3.2.1        Independent Variable ( X )
The researcher chooses “listening ability” as the independent variable (x). This variable will be used to indicate how far the students’ ability in listening.

3.2.2        Dependent Variable ( Y )
The researcher chooses “speaking performance” as the dependent variable (y). This variable will be used to indicate the score performance of students in speaking.

3.3    The Operational Definition of Variable
On this research the researcher gives the operational definition variable as follow:

3.3.1        The Students’ Listening Ability ( Variable X)
The students’ listening ability is an Independent variable or the major variable. Students’ listening ability score is gotten from the students who do the test which calculate the aspect of listening achievement.  They are:
  1. Hear the sound
The students hear the information from the speaker in verbal communication.
  1. Identify the sound
Here the students make sense out of the information by using their background knowledge or their former experience. Moreover, if they consider it new, they will keep it in his mind.
  1. Produce the sound
The students after identifying the information, they will interpret the data and respond to the speaker as the reflection that they receive the information by using the means of language (writing or speaking).

3.3.2    The Speaking Performance ( Variable Y )
The students’ speaking performance is an dependent variable. Students’ speaking perrformance score is gotten from the students who do the test which calculate the aspect of speaking performance.  They are:
  1. Pronunciation.
Away in which language is spoken in the definition of pronunciation. It is included of segmental feature, vowel, consonant, stand intonation patterns. The speaker are supposed to apply them well and correctly.
  1. Vocabulary
One of the linguistics factor in which it is a number of word with the role combining them to make up language in speaking. Vocabulary is very essential but it is the first thing to be considered if speaking takes place in very early stages. Vocabulary is tthe total number of the word, which make up a language.
  1. Grammar
Grammar is the rule in spoken language and written language. We must obey the rules of grammar to obtain a good result in writing, we can also find the grammar rule in pronunciation morphology and syntax. In speaking performance, sometime the speaker and the listener do not care about the grammar it self. But in this time the writer does not discuss about the grammar so far.

  1. Fluency
It shows that people are able to communicate well. Someone who can communicate fluently but he may not be able to use the language fluently. Someone can be said fluent if he can require some criteria or categories. Those are; can say the words fluently and knows what he/she will say then.
  1. Comprehension
It means the mind’s act or power understanding that is expalined in the oxford advanced learners’ dictionary of current English. In speaking, the speaker and the listener must have a good understanding, So that conversation certainly requires a subject to response to speech as well as to initiate it.

3.4 Research Population and Sample

In this case the researcher would like to explain the population and sample of the research that uses for knowing the important part of this research, because by having sample,  the calculation of validity and reliability of this research is easier and clearer.

3.4.1 The Population

Arikunto (2006:130) defines population as the whole subject which is complete and clear and  be as object in the research. The population of this research is the students at the tenth grade of  SMA N 03 Metro Academic Year 2011/2012, that consist of  187 students.

3.4.2 The Sample

Jazim (2010:36) defines sample as the part of population of the subject that will be researched or that will be represented of the whole population. In this research the researcher uses the tenth grade students of SMA N 3 Metro in the second semester to be a subject of the research. The researcher uses the students because it is appropriate with the problem background and based on the suggestion of the English teacher there. It consists of six classes. The kind of sampling in this research is the ability of students. The students’ ability from the six classes is not homogeny, so the researcher uses the sample “cluster proportional random sampling to get sample. Based on Arikunto’s suggestion (2010), that ‘if the subject or populations are more than 100 it should be taken 10%-15% or 20%-25% of the total subject as sample. In this research the sample taken from tenth grade class that the total students are 187 students. It dispersed in six classes as on table 3.1.
The detail of the sample is shown in the table below:
Table 3.1. The member of the research sample
X .1
X .2
X .3
X .4
X .5
X .6

The researcher takes 20% from each classes, so the sample is 37 students. It can be explaining on table 1.2. Technique sampling as follows:

3.4.3.                  Technique Sampling
Based on the table above from 187 students, there are 37 students as the sample of the research. The researcher divided the 37 students into six classes randomly. The calculation of sample in cluster proportional random sampling in each class is shown in the table below:
Table 3.2. The Sample
X .1
20% x 30
X .2
20% x 31
6,2 = 6
X .3
20% x 31
6,2 = 6
X .4
20% x 30
X .5
20% x 32
6,4 = 6
X .6
20% x 33
6,6 = 7

The sample of this research is 37 students above which taken with lottery. The steps as follow:
1.        The researcher collect name list of all students in each class.
2.        The researcher writes student’s name in small paper.
3.        The paper’s names are rolled and put them into the jar.
4.        The researcher shakes the jar then let one paper outside. The researcher does it forty twotimes.
5.        The students whose name in the paper outside became a sample.

3.5  Research Instruments

Arikunto (2006:149) defines instruments as the tool of research which is used in each method. The researcher instruments play an important role to collect data. Furthermore, in this research the researcher used two instruments :

3.5.1        Listening ability test
In listening ability test, there are 30 listening questions using multiple choice test which consist of five optional answer, they are A,B,C,D, and E. Then, the students choose best answer or complete the text. The score of the answer is if the students choose correct answer the students get 1 point and if the students choose wrong answer or not answer the questions the students get 0 point. The highest score is 100, and the lowest score is 0. The material of the listening test is about Descriptive text, asking if someone knows about something, asking if someone is interested about the famous people, the interesting places and objects. The text about question and responses, monologue, and dialogue. The researcher takes the listening test from handbook and CD of English Alive X.

3.4  Table of variabel listening ability and speaking performance instruments
No Items
a.       Hear the hear information about descriptive text

b.      Identify information of decriptive text

c.       Produce the information of descriptive text
·         Clear information

·         Real information

·         The speakers’ name
·         Another speaker’s hope
·         Place of speaker’s meet
·         Speaker’s friend job
·         Future activity
·         Salary
·         The speaker’s mother job
·         The speaker’s highest paid
·         Someone who’s told
·         Full name
·         The speaker’s weight
·         Years of temple built
·         The temple’s look like
·         The exception
·         The wide of the island
·         A separate things
·         The average of population
·         False information based on text

·         Making reason






The researcher used the formula below to find out the students’ score in listening ability test:
N = Students’ score
R = The number of students’ right answer

The researcher uses Likert scale in dividing score categories, they are failed, poor, fair, good, and excellent. For knowing the failed, poor, fair, good, and excellent score, the researcher finds invariant frequency distribution of the students’ listening ability first by using the following formula:
Explanation :
I : Interval
NT : The highest score
NR : The lowest score
K : Criterion                            
(Soegyarto 2003: 37)

3.5.2        Speaking Performance Test
The second test for speaking ability test, this is oral test. They are 5 optional topics. The researcher asks the students to choose one of the topic given. The students’ speking will be recorded by the rater. They are describing school, class, parents, and one of your friend, describe your lovely animal. According to the Harris (Wati:28) states that there are 5 components which must be recombine in analyzing the speaking test they are pronunciation, grammar, vocabularies, fluency, and comprehension. The criteria of each speaking score are as follows:

Table 3.5. Criteria of speaking scoring
has few traces of foreign accent
Always inteligible though one is concious of a definite accent
Pronounciation problems necessiate concentrated listening and  occasionally lead to mis understanding
Very hard to understand because of pronunciation problems must frequently be asked to repeat
pronunciation problems too several as to make speech virtually unintelligible
make few ( if any ) noticeable errors of grammar of word order
Occasionally make grammatical word order errors which do act, however obscure meaning.
make frequent errors of grammar and word order, which obscure meaning
grammar and word orders make comprehension difficult must often rephrase sentence and or restrict him to basic pattern
error in grammar and word order to severe as to make speech virtually unintelligible
Uses of vocabularies and idioms is virtually that of native speaker
sometimes uses in appropriate terms or must rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies
frequently uses the wrong words, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary
misuses of words and very limited vocabulary make comprehension quite difficult
Vocabulary limitation to extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible.
Speech as fluent and effortless as that of native speaker problems
Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems
Speed and fluency are rather strongly affected by language problems
Usually hesitant often proceed into silence by language problems
Speech is as halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible
appears to understand everything without difficulty
understand nearly everything at normal speed although occasionally repetition may be necessary
understand most of what is said at lowers that normal speed with repetition
has great difficulty following what is said can comprehend only social conversation at spoken   with frequent repetition
cannot be said to understand even simple conversation of English
Source (Harris in Wati 2011:31)

Table 3.6 Specification table of speaking test
1.     Have few tracs of foreign accant
·          When student speak they use their body language
·          Their pronounciation suitable with phonetic transcription
2.    Pronounciation
·          Their pronounciation is good
3.    Students are able to make listener receive the message and reacts communicatively to the speaker
·          Students are easy to speak english fluently and with their speaking they try
4.    Make the listener understand ot catch the ideas and the meaning communicate by the speaker
·          Students are able to communicate their ideas, thought, feeling clearly and fluently

5.    Grammar word orders make easy comprehension conversation
·          The student understand about structure & grammar
·          Make few ( if any ) noticeable errors of grammar or word order
6.    Speech as fluent and efforthless as that of native speaker problems
·          Speed of speech seems to be slightly affected by language problems

7.    Appears to understand everything without difficulty
·          Student can response speaker by  conversation
·          Easy to understand about everything
8.    Understand nearly everything at normal speed although ocassionally repetition may be necessary
·          Understand most of what is said at lowers that normal speed with repetition
·          Can be said to understand even simple conversation of english
The number of items belong to collective item.

The researcher uses the following formula to count the students’ score in speaking performance:

Notes :
N =  Students’ final score
A = Students’ pronunciation score
B = Students’grammar score
C = Students’vocabulary score
D = Students’ fluency score
E = Students’ comprehension score.
3.6  Try Out
Before using the instruments, the researcher will conduct a try out test first. It is useful to determine whether the instruments is well designed or not. The researcher tries out 5 items of speaking test and 30 items of listening test. After the try out, the researcher makes an analysis to find out the validity and reliability of the item of try out. All of them were used to decide which items should be used in making instrument.
3.6.1        The Validity of Test

Arikunto (2006:168) says that validity is measuring which shows the level of validity or valid instrument. The instrument which are valid have the high validity. The other way, the instrument is not valid; it means that they have the low validity to measure the listening ability test, and and speaking performance. Each  test should be  valid. For measuring the validity of speaking ability, the researcher only sees from content and constructs validity . Content validity is the extent to which a test measures a representative sample of the object matter content. The focus of content validity is on the adequacy of the sample and not simply on the appearance of the test. It means, the items of the test should represent the material being used. Meanwhile, construct validity is concerned with whether the test is actually in line with theory of what it means to know the certain language knowledge or certain language skill. Related to this theory the test items given here should really measure or really test the students speaking ability, and their listening achievement.
Whereas for counting the validity test of listening achievement test, the resercher uses the correlation formulation of product moment with raw scores are :
Note :
  = Correlation coefficient
N = Number of subject
X = Score of  students’ listening ability in each items
Y = Total score of students’ listening ability
Value of correlation coefficient between two variables are + 1. If coefficient between two variables is zero (0), it means between two variables there is no correlation. Opposite if coefficient between two variables is + 1, it meant, the variables have perfect correlation. The high coefficient near + 1 so high correlation gotten. The other words then from calculation result of interpreting the coefficient correlation according to Arikunto (2006:276) as follow :
Between 0.800 – 1.000    very high
Between 0.600 – 0.800    enough
Between 0.400 – 0.600    fair
Between 0.200 – 0.400    low
Between 0.000 – 0.200    very low

3.6.2        Reliability of Test

The test can be said reliability if the test has been given in some place but the result of the test is the same with another place. To know the reliability of the test, the researcher will employ the formulation alpha of Arikunto (2006 : 196), as follow:
             = Coefficient correlation regularity level ( reliability )
n                = Number of items.
       = Total score of each items
             =   Total Variant
For finding the Variant formula, the researcher used the formula below:
             = Total variant
      = Total items which are quadrated
         = The total sum of the quadrate items
              = The number of items
The other words then from calculation result of interpreting the coefficient correlation according to Arikunto (2006:276) as follow :
Between 0.800 – 1.000    very high
Between 0.600 – 0.800    enough
Between 0.400 – 0.600    fair
Between 0.200 – 0.400    low
Between 0.000 – 0.200    very low

The Researcher also used single test single trial method to know the realibilty of speaking test. The formula used to correlate the result is HJ X Fernandes in Arikunto (2006:201) formula as follow:

K         : Coefficient of agreement
S          : Agreed, the same code for the same object
N1       : Number of code that made the rater I
N2       : Number of code that made the rater II
After going through several procedures, the formula is further refined, known as Rough Suitability Index (CCI) with as the same code, and N is the number of objects being observed. The smaller the value of KK is a list of checks or instruments of observation are more reliable.

3.6.3        Level of Difficulty
According to Arikunto in Wati (2011:33) states that the test items is good if they are not easy and not too difficult or in other word, the difficulty level is average. The classification of difficulty level is as follow :
0,0 – 0,3 = too difficult
0,3 – 0,7 = average
0,7 – 1,0 = too easy
To determine the difficulty level of the test items the researcher used this following formula:
Fv = Difficulty index
R = The number of correct answers
N = The number of students taking the test

3.7  Data Collecting Technique
Collecting data is the most important step in conducting the research. After counting try out’s data, the researcher gives the test with valid and reliable instruments.
3.7.1        Test
In doing the test, the researcher will ask permission to the headmaster and the English teacher. The test will be hold at the even semester of SMA N 03 Metro. After having the permission, the writer will do the test by using following steps:
3.7.2        Listening Ability Test
Firstly, The researcher will held listening ability test. In listening ability test , the researcher will use laptop and VCD as the media. The researcher is accompanied by the English teacher in order to help the research on doing the listening test. The researcher gives the question and answer sheets to all of the students and ask them to pay attention on listening section. The listening scripts will be listened twice. The researcher gives the test about listening test 20 questions that should be done in 90 minutes. This test will be hold on Monday, February 6th 2012 and will be started at 10.00 up to 10.45 o’clock and the listening script will be given after all of the students have got the question and answer sheets. After the students finish answering the questions, they submit theirs on the teachers’ table. And they my leave the classroom.

3.7.3        Speaking Performance Test
The second test is speaking performance test. The researcher gives the test about speaking list, the test is oral test and the test is consist of 5 questions. The researcher uses recorder as the media. In this test the researcher is also accompanied by the English teacher. She is as the first rater and the researcher as the second rater. The rater asks one by one student to be tested on first rater and continoue to te second rater. The students asked to choose one. There are five topics. They are describing your own school, describing your own class, describe your beloved parents, describe one of your friend, describe your lovely animal.  This test will be hold on Tuesday, February 7th 2012 and will be started at 09.00 up to 10.00 o’clock.

3.8  Data Analysis Technique

3.8.1 Data Analysis Technique

Moleong in Raroz (2010) states that data analyzing is a process in organizing and clarifying the data into a pattern, categorize and description so that the researcher can find out the theme and formulate the hypothesis. The data which are get from independent variable and dependent variable at the tenth grade of  SMA N 03 Metro Academic Year 2011/2012 constitute a quantitative data for testing the hypothesis about the correlation between students listening ability and  their speaking performance of students in SMA N03 Metro. To know the correlation between students’ listening ability and speaking performance, the researcher used formula of product moment as follow:
Note :
 = The coefficient correlation between X and Y
N = The number of sample
X= The number of students’ listening ability
Y = The number of students’ speaking performance
Between 0.800 – 1.000    very high
Between 0.600 – 0.800    enough
Between 0.400 – 0.600    fair
Between 0.200 – 0.400    low
Between 0.000 – 0.200    very low
                                                                                            (Arikunto, 2006:276)
3.9  Hypothesis Testing.

1.      Ha            : There is positive and significant correlation between students’ listening ability and speaking performance. This hypothesis can be accepted if robservation(ro) is higher than rtable (rtab).
2.      Ho            : There is no positive and significant correlation between students’ listening ability and speaking performance. This hypothesis can be accepted if robservation(ro) is lower than rtable (rtab).